The following post contains pertinent information about receiving updates from ACD during the COVID-19 outbreak:

Students can find general updates about the operations of American College Dublin during COVID-19 on the official website and social media pages. (website)

American College Dublin Facebook:

American College Dublin Instagram: @americancollegedublin

To access the COVID-19 updates on the website, navigate to the home page and scroll down to the “News and Events” section at the bottom.

Student-specific/internal institutional information will be communicated via email and the official student life social media account(s), ACD Happenings.

Email updates are sent to the original contact email addresses that students provided to American College Dublin. Please contact if you are having trouble receiving email updates and/or would like information to be sent to a different email address.

A reminder: all current students with Facebook and/or Instagram access should be following ACD Happenings for student life updates.

On the ACD Happenings Facebook page, students can also find mental health tips, social distancing guides, Netflix and video game recommendations, activity ideas, and other useful resources for preserving physical and mental health during this time.

ACD Happenings Facebook:

ACD Happenings Instagram: @acdhappenings

If you have any questions about receiving updates, please email Scotty Sarafian at

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